PSLE Honour Roll 2024
Dear P6 graduates,
Heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you, our remarkable young scientists, who received your PSLE results! We are delighted to share the incredible news that an astounding 85% of you have achieved at least an AL3 in Science. A round of applause for all of you!
To those who achieved stellar results, your dedication to the pursuit of knowledge coupled with your diligence has made this achievement possible. Well done!
To those who have put your best foot forward, your determination is equally commendable. Your progress is a testament to the power of your persistence and hard work, and we are immensely proud of how far you have come.
As all of you embark on the next chapter of your academic journey, we hope you will continue the MQ spirit of inquiry: keep learning, keep growing, and keep exploring the wonders of Science!
With love,
The MetaQuest Team
Check out our honour roll of MQ students who scored AL1-3 (raw mark range: 80 to >90) for their PSLE Science this year. We are also celebrating with the students who achieved visible improvements with us!
Information is accurate as of 23 November 2023, 13:30 based on responses received from customers.